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- /*
- Calendar Macro
- Creates calendars on FinalWriter4 (SoftWood)
- Written by Ronald Goertz
- based on a program by Andrew McCardie
- $VER: Calendar v2.15 (26 Sep 98)
- */
- address FINALW.1
- parse arg opt
- if exists('LIBS:rexxtricks.library') then do
- call addlib('rexxtricks.library', 0, -30, 0)
- RexxTricks = 1
- end
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library', 0, -30, 0)
- ClearDoc
- if result == 0 then exit
- GetDocItemPrefs Decimal; DecimalFormat = result
- DocItemPrefs Decimal Period
- PageSetup ORIENT Wide
- call SetVariables
- CalType = rtezrequest('Monthly calendar or Whole-year summary?','Monthly|Whole Year|Cancel',,'rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr')
- if CalType == 0 then exit
- if CalType == 2 then do
- Year = SUBSTR(DATE('S'),1,4)
- EnteredYear = rtgetstring(Year, 'Enter year:', 'Year Select', 'OK|Cancel', 'rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr', 'UserChoice')
- if UserChoice == 0 | EnteredYear == "" then do
- if upper(DecimalFormat) = 'COMMA' then DocItemPrefs Decimal Comma
- Exit 10
- end
- View 20
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE FYMiniCalFSize COLOR BlackName
- BoxPrefs LINEWT Hairline LINECOLOR BlackName FILL Transparent
- DrawTextBlock 1 1 1 "1"; ID = RESULT
- Redraw
- GetObjectCoords ID; parse var RESULT . . . WidthOf1 .
- DeleteObject ID
- Year = EnteredYear
- CalTop = TopMargin
- do r = 0 to 3
- TopMargin = CalTop + r * (7*FYMiniCalFontHeight + MiniCalVSpacing)
- do c = 0 to 2
- Month = r * 3 + c + 1
- Mn = right(Month, 2, '0')
- TempDate = Year''Mn'01'
- if (Year//4 == 0 & Year//100 > 0) | Year//400 == 0 Then MonthLength.2 = 29
- interpret "StartDate = Day."Date('W', TempDate, 'S')
- call DrawMiniCal(0, FYMiniCalWidth, FYMiniCalFontHeight)
- end
- end
- selectobject
- view 75
- if upper(DecimalFormat) = 'COMMA' then DocItemPrefs Decimal Comma
- exit
- end
- if RexxTricks == 1 then do
- CalMonth = getenv('CalMonth')
- if CalMonth == '' then CalMonth = ThisMonth
- else do
- CalMonth = CalMonth + 1
- if CalMonth = 13 then CalMonth = 1
- end
- end
- else CalMonth = ThisMonth
- MonthName = rtgetstring(Month.CalMonth, 'Enter month:', 'Month Select', 'OK|Cancel', 'rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr', 'UserChoice')
- Month = ConvertMonth(MonthName)
- if UserChoice == 0 | MonthName == "" | Month = 0 then do
- if upper(DecimalFormat) = 'COMMA' then DocItemPrefs Decimal Comma
- call rtezrequest('Month name not recognized.',,,'rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr')
- Exit 10
- end
- Mn = right(Month, 2, '0')
- PrevMonth = Month - 1; if PrevMonth = 0 then PrevMonth = 12
- if RexxTricks == 1 then call setenv('CalMonth', Month)
- Year = SUBSTR(DATE('S'),1,4)
- if Month < ThisMonth then Year = Year + 1
- EnteredYear = rtgetstring(Year, 'Enter year:', 'Year Select', 'OK|Cancel', 'rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr', 'UserChoice')
- if UserChoice == 0 | EnteredYear = "" then do
- if upper(DecimalFormat) = 'COMMA' then DocItemPrefs Decimal Comma
- Exit 10
- end
- call SetHighLights
- /* Finally, the program */
- View 20
- Year = EnteredYear
- TempDate = Year''Mn'01'
- if (Year//4 == 0 & Year//100 > 0) | Year//400 == 0 Then MonthLength.2 = 29
- interpret "StartDate = Day."Date('W', TempDate, 'S')
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE 4 COLOR WhiteName
- DrawTextBlock 1 0 0 TempDate /* Object ID == 2, only required for AddEvent macro, MUST be drawn first */
- DrawTextBlock 1 0 0 Margins /* Object ID == 3, only required for AddEvent macro, MUST be drawn second */
- /* Draw dates and optional highlights */
- Day = - StartDate
- LineTop. = CalTop
- LineBottom. = CalTop + BoxHeight*5
- LineLeft. = LeftMargin
- LineRight. = CalRight
- TextBlockTypePrefs WIDTH DateFWidth FONT DateFont
- Do i = 0 to 5
- if i = 5 then do
- BoxTop = CalTop + BoxHeight*4.5
- BHeight = BoxHeight/2
- end
- else do
- BoxTop = CalTop + BoxHeight*i
- BHeight = BoxHeight
- end
- Do j = 0 to 6
- Day = Day + 1
- BoxLeft = LeftMargin + BoxWidth * j
- If (Day < 1) | (Day > MonthLength.Month) then do
- if Day < 1 then do
- PrintDay = MonthLength.PrevMonth + Day
- LineTop.j = CalTop + BoxHeight
- LineLeft.0 = LeftMargin + BoxWidth * (j + 1)
- end
- else do
- PrintDay = Day - MonthLength.Month
- interpret "LineBottom."j+1" = "CalTop + BoxHeight*4
- CalRow = i + 1
- if LineRight.CalRow == CalRight then LineRight.CalRow = LeftMargin + BoxWidth * j
- end
- if Extended then Do
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE DateFSize COLOR ExtendedColor
- DrawTextBlock 1 (BoxLeft + DateOffset) (BoxTop + DateDown) PrintDay
- End
- End
- else do
- if i = 5 then DrawLine 1 BoxLeft BoxTop (BoxLeft + BoxWidth) BoxTop
- if (j = 0 | j = 6) & (symbol('WeekendColor') == 'VAR') then do
- BoxPrefs LINEWT None FILL Solid FILLCOLOR WeekendColor
- DrawBox 1 BoxLeft BoxTop BoxWidth BHeight
- end
- if symbol('Highlight.Month.Day') == 'VAR' then do
- if right(Highlight.Month.Day, 1) == '#' then do
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE HighlightFSize WIDTH HighlightFWidth COLOR HighlightFColorB
- if symbol('HighlightColorB') == 'VAR' then do
- BoxPrefs LINEWT None FILL Solid FILLCOLOR HighlightColorB
- DrawBox 1 BoxLeft BoxTop BoxWidth BHeight
- end
- end
- else do
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE HighlightFSize WIDTH HighlightFWidth COLOR HighlightFColorNB
- if symbol('HighlightColorNB') == 'VAR' then do
- BoxPrefs LINEWT None FILL Solid FILLCOLOR HighlightColorNB
- DrawBox 1 BoxLeft BoxTop BoxWidth BHeight
- end
- end
- TextLeft = (BoxLeft + DateOffset) + HighlightOffset
- TextBottom = (BoxTop + DateDown - (DateFontHeight - HighlightFontHeight)/2)
- DrawTextBlock 1 TextLeft TextBottom compress(Highlight.Month.Day,'#')
- End
- else TextBlockTypePrefs COLOR DateFColor
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE DateFSize
- DrawTextBlock 1 (BoxLeft + DateOffset) (BoxTop + DateDown) Day
- End
- if (i = 5) & (Day = MonthLength.Month) then leave i
- End
- if Day >= MonthLength.Month then leave
- End
- LowRow = i
- if LowRow = 3 then LineBottom. = CalTop + BoxHeight*4
- /* Draw vertical grid */
- do i = 0 to 7
- LeftEdge = LeftMargin + BoxWidth*i
- if Extended then do
- LinePrefs LINECOLOR ExtendedColor
- if LineTop.i > CalTop then DrawLine 1 LeftEdge CalTop LeftEdge LineTop.i
- if LineBottom.i < LineBottom.8 then DrawLine 1 LeftEdge LineBottom.i LeftEdge LineBottom.8
- end
- LinePrefs LINECOLOR GridColor
- DrawLine 1 LeftEdge LineTop.i LeftEdge LineBottom.i
- end
- /* Draw horizontal grid */
- do i = 0 to min(LowRow + 1, 5)
- TopEdge = CalTop + BoxHeight * i
- if Extended then do
- LinePrefs LINECOLOR ExtendedColor
- if LineLeft.i > LeftMargin then DrawLine 1 LeftMargin TopEdge LineLeft.i TopEdge
- if LineRight.i < CalRight then DrawLine 1 LineRight.i TopEdge CalRight TopEdge
- end
- LinePrefs LINECOLOR GridColor
- DrawLine 1 LineLeft.i TopEdge LineRight.i TopEdge
- end
- /* Create month/year header */
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE MonthFSize WIDTH MonthFWidth COLOR MonthFColor FONT MonthFont
- DrawTextBlock 1 LeftMargin (TopMargin + (TextArea + MonthFontHeight)/3) upper(Month.Month" "Year); Month_obj = RESULT
- /* Create weekday titles */
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE WeekdayFSize WIDTH WeekdayFWidth COLOR WeekdayFColor FONT WeekdayFont
- Do i = 0 to 6
- DrawTextBlock 1 1 1 upper(Day.i); text_obj.i = RESULT
- End
- Redraw
- /* Position month/year header */
- GetObjectCoords Month_obj; Parse Var result . . TextBottom TextWidth TextHeight
- TextLeft = (LeftMargin + (PageWidth - TextWidth)/2)
- SetObjectCoords Month_obj 1 TextLeft TextBottom TextWidth TextHeight
- /* Position weekday titles */
- TextBottom = CalTop - WeekdayFontHeight * .45
- Do i = 0 to 6
- GetObjectCoords text_obj.i; Parse Var result . . . TextWidth TextHeight
- BoxCenter = (LeftMargin + (i * BoxWidth) + BoxWidth/2)
- TextLeft = (BoxCenter - TextWidth/2)
- SetObjectCoords text_obj.i 1 TextLeft TextBottom TextWidth TextHeight
- End
- if DoMiniCals = 1 then do
- BoxPrefs LINEWT None FILL Solid FILLCOLOR HighlightColorNB
- TextBlockTypePrefs SIZE MiniCalFSize COLOR MiniCalFColor FONT DateFont
- BoxPrefs LINEWT Hairline LINECOLOR MiniCalBColor
- if symbol('MiniCalColor') == 'VAR' then BoxPrefs FILL Solid FILLCOLOR MiniCalColor
- else BoxPrefs FILL Transparent
- DrawTextBlock 1 1 1 "1"; ID = RESULT
- Redraw
- GetObjectCoords ID; parse var RESULT . . . WidthOf1 .
- DeleteObject ID
- call DrawMiniCal(-1, MiniCalWidth, MiniCalFontHeight)
- call DrawMiniCal(+1, MiniCalWidth, MiniCalFontHeight)
- end
- SelectObject
- View 75
- if upper(DecimalFormat) = 'COMMA' then DocItemPrefs Decimal Comma
- exit
- /******* ConvertMonth Subroutine ***********/
- ConvertMonth: PROCEDURE EXPOSE Month. AbbrMonth.
- parse arg Month
- MonthNumber = 0
- if Datatype(Month) == upper('char') then
- do i = 1 to 12
- If upper(Month) == upper(Month.i) Then do; MonthNumber = i; leave; end
- If upper(Month) == upper(AbbrMonth.i) Then do; MonthNumber = i; leave; end
- end
- else MonthNumber = Month
- if MonthNumber < 1 | MonthNumber > 12 then MonthNumber = 0
- return MonthNumber
- /******* SetHighlights Subroutine ***********/
- SetHighlights:
- say "Setting highlights for "mn year
- if exists(Pragma(D)'/FWMacros/FWCalendar.data') then do
- call open(DataFile, Pragma(D)'/FWMacros/FWCalendar.data')
- call seek(DataFile, HighlightStart, B)
- do until eof(DataFile)
- Ln = ReadLn(DataFile)
- if left(Ln, 2) == Mn then interpret substr(Ln, 3)
- end
- call close(DataFile)
- end
- return
- /******* CalculateDate Subroutine ***********/
- CalculateDate:
- /* Month is the month in which the highlight occurs */
- /* HighDate is the highest (numerical) date on which the highlight will occur */
- /* HighDay is the weekday on which HighDate will occur */
- /* Event is the highlight text */
- parse arg GD_Month, GD_HighDay, GD_HighDate, GD_Event
- interpret 'GD_HighDay = Day.'GD_HighDay
- interpret 'GD_First = Day.'Date(W, Year''right(GD_Month, 2, '0')'01', S)
- GD_Day = GD_HighDate + (GD_HighDay - GD_First)
- if GD_First < GD_HighDay then GD_Day = GD_Day - 7
- Highlight.GD_Month.GD_Day = GD_Event
- return 0
- /******* DrawMiniCal Subroutine ***********/
- DrawMiniCal:
- parse arg MiniDirection, CalWidth, FHeight
- BoxCount = 0
- MiniMonth = Month + MiniDirection
- if MiniMonth == 0 | MiniMonth == 13 then do
- MiniMonth = abs(MiniMonth - 12)
- Year = EnteredYear + MiniDirection
- end
- Mn = right(MiniMonth, 2, '0')
- call SetHighlights
- if MiniDirection < 0 then do
- StartColumn = StartDate - MonthLength.MiniMonth//7
- If StartColumn < 0 then StartColumn = StartColumn + 7
- MiniCalLeft = LeftMargin + CalWidth/28
- end
- else if MiniDirection > 0 then do
- StartColumn = StartDate + MonthLength.Month//7
- If StartColumn > 6 then StartColumn = StartColumn - 7
- MiniCalLeft = FullWidth - RightMargin - CalWidth
- end
- else do
- StartColumn = StartDate
- MiniCalLeft = LeftMargin + c * (CalWidth + MiniCalHSpacing)
- end
- DrawTextBlock 1 1 (TopMargin + FHeight) Month.MiniMonth" "Year; ID.0 = RESULT
- Redraw
- GetObjectCoords ID.0; Parse var RESULT . . Top CurrentWidth Height
- SetObjectCoords ID.0 1 (MiniCalLeft - CalWidth/28+ (CalWidth - CurrentWidth)/2) Top CurrentWidth Height
- Column = StartColumn
- Day = 0
- Row = 2
- Do Until Day = MonthLength.MiniMonth
- Day = Day + 1
- if symbol('Highlight.MiniMonth.Day') == 'VAR' Then TextBlockTypePrefs FONT DateFontBold
- else TextBlockTypePrefs FONT DateFont
- If Day < 10 then Do
- DrawTextBlock 1 (MiniCalLeft+Column*CalWidth/7 + WidthOf1) (TopMargin + Row*FHeight) Day; ID.Day = RESULT
- End
- else Do
- DrawTextBlock 1 (MiniCalLeft+Column*CalWidth/7) (TopMargin + Row*FHeight) Day; ID.Day = RESULT
- End
- if right(Highlight.MiniMonth.Day, 1) == '#' then do
- BoxCount = BoxCount + 1
- GetObjectCoords ID.Day; parse var result . Left Top CurrentWidth Height
- DrawBox 1 Left (Top - .8 * Height) CurrentWidth Height; BoxID.BoxCount = result
- ObjectToBack
- end
- Column = Column + 1
- if Column == 7 then Do
- Column = 0
- Row = Row + 1
- End
- End
- Rows = trunc((StartColumn + MonthLength.MiniMonth)/7) + 1.5
- if (StartColumn + MonthLength.MiniMonth)//7 > 0 then Rows = Rows + 1
- If CalType == 2 then Rows = 7.5
- DrawBox 1 (MiniCalLeft - CalWidth/28) TopMargin CalWidth (Rows*FHeight)
- ObjectToBack
- Redraw
- do i = 0 to MonthLength.MiniMonth; SelectObject ID.i MULTIPLE; End
- do i = 1 to BoxCount; SelectObject BoxID.i MULTIPLE; End
- Group
- TextBlockTypePrefs FONT DateFont
- return
- /******* SetVariable Subroutine ***********/
- SetVariables:
- GetPageSetup Width Height Top Bottom Left Right
- parse var result FullWidth FullHeight TopMargin BottomMargin LeftMargin RightMargin
- WhiteName = 'White'
- BlackName = 'Black'
- if exists(Pragma(D)'/FWMacros/FWCalendar.data') then do
- call open(DataFile, Pragma(D)'/FWMacros/FWCalendar.data')
- VarCount = 0
- do until eof(DataFile)
- Ln = ReadLn(DataFile)
- if (upper(word(Ln, 1)) == 'WHITENAME') | (upper(word(Ln, 1)) == 'BLACKNAME') then do
- interpret Ln
- VarCount = VarCount + 1
- end
- if VarCount == 2 then leave
- end
- call close(DataFile)
- end
- DoMiniCals = 1
- /* MiniCalColor = 'Red' */
- MiniCalBColor = BlackName
- MiniCalFColor = BlackName
- Extended = 1
- ExtendedColor = 'Cyan'
- GridColor = BlackName
- /* WeekendColor = 'Cyan' */
- MonthFont = "FONTS:Nimbus-Q/Serif/Dragon"
- MonthFSize = 44
- MonthFWidth = 100
- MonthFColor = BlackName
- WeekdayFont = "FONTS:Nimbus-Q/Serif/Dragon"
- WeekdayFSize = 22
- WeekdayFWidth = 100
- WeekdayFColor = BlackName
- DateFont = "SoftSans"
- DateFontBold = "SoftSans_Bold"
- DateFSize = 10
- DateFWidth = 100
- DateFColor = BlackName
- HighlightFSize = 8
- HighlightFColorNB= BlackName
- HighlightFColorB = BlackName
- /* HighlightColorNB = WhiteName */
- /* HighlightColorB = WhiteName */
- MiniCalFSize = 8
- MiniCalHSpacing = 0.05
- MiniCalVSpacing = 0.1
- Day.0 = 'Sunday'
- Day.1 = 'Monday'
- Day.2 = 'Tuesday'
- Day.3 = 'Wednesday'
- Day.4 = 'Thursday'
- Day.5 = 'Friday'
- Day.6 = 'Saturday'
- Month.1 = 'January'
- Month.2 = 'February'
- Month.3 = 'March'
- Month.4 = 'April'
- Month.5 = 'May'
- Month.6 = 'June'
- Month.7 = 'July'
- Month.8 = 'August'
- Month.9 = 'September'
- Month.10 = 'October'
- Month.11 = 'November'
- Month.12 = 'December'
- AbbrMonth.1 = 'Jan'
- AbbrMonth.2 = 'Feb'
- AbbrMonth.3 = 'Mar'
- AbbrMonth.4 = 'Apr'
- AbbrMonth.5 = 'May'
- AbbrMonth.6 = 'Jun'
- AbbrMonth.7 = 'Jul'
- AbbrMonth.8 = 'Aug'
- AbbrMonth.9 = 'Sep'
- AbbrMonth.10 = 'Oct'
- AbbrMonth.11 = 'Nov'
- AbbrMonth.12 = 'Dec'
- MonthLength.1 = 31
- MonthLength.2 = 28
- MonthLength.3 = 31
- MonthLength.4 = 30
- MonthLength.5 = 31
- MonthLength.6 = 30
- MonthLength.7 = 31
- MonthLength.8 = 31
- MonthLength.9 = 30
- MonthLength.10 = 31
- MonthLength.11 = 30
- MonthLength.12 = 31
- Day.Sunday = 0
- Day.Monday = 1
- Day.Tuesday = 2
- Day.Wednesday = 3
- Day.Thursday = 4
- Day.Friday = 5
- Day.Saturday = 6
- if exists(Pragma(D)'/FWMacros/FWCalendar.data') then do
- call open(DataFile, Pragma(D)'/FWMacros/FWCalendar.data')
- do until eof(DataFile)
- Ln = ReadLn(DataFile)
- if left(Ln, 15) == '/* End Pass One' then do
- HighlightStart = seek(DataFile, 0)
- leave
- end
- interpret Ln
- end
- call close(DataFile)
- end
- GetDisplayPrefs Measure; Units = result
- select
- when Units = 'Inches' then PointsPerUnit = 72
- when Units = 'Metric' then PointsPerUnit = 28.34645669291
- when Units = 'Pica' then PointsPerUnit = 12
- end
- MonthFontHeight = MonthFSize / PointsPerUnit
- WeekdayFontHeight = WeekdayFSize / PointsPerUnit
- DateFontHeight = DateFSize / PointsPerUnit
- HighlightFontHeight = HighlightFSize / PointsPerUnit
- MiniCalFontHeight = MiniCalFSize / PointsPerUnit
- PageWidth = FullWidth - LeftMargin - RightMargin
- PageHeight = FullHeight - TopMargin - BottomMargin
- TextArea = 2.1 * MonthFontHeight
- BoxWidth = PageWidth/7
- BoxHeight = (PageHeight-TextArea)/5
- CalTop = TopMargin + TextArea
- CalRight = LeftMargin + BoxWidth * 7
- Margins = TopMargin'|'BottomMargin'|'LeftMargin'|'RightMargin'|'TextArea
- DateDown = DateFontHeight
- DateOffset = 3.6 / PointsPerUnit
- HighlightOffset = 14.4 / PointsPerUnit
- MiniCalWidth = 108 / PointsPerUnit
- FYMiniCalWidth = PageWidth/3
- FYMiniCalFontHeight = PageHeight/31
- FYMiniCalFSize = trunc(FYMiniCalFontHeight * PointsPerUnit)
- ThisMonth = left(date('U'), 2) + 0
- TextBlockPrefs TEXTFLOW None
- if TestMode = 1 then call TestSettings
- return
- TestSettings:
- ErrorCount = 0
- ErrorString = ''
- FontVariable.1 = 'MonthFont'; Font.1 = MonthFont
- FontVariable.2 = 'WeekdayFont'; Font.2 = WeekdayFont
- FontVariable.3 = 'DateFont'; Font.3 = DateFont
- FontVariable.4 = 'DateFontBold';Font.4 = DateFontBold
- Do i = 1 to 4
- Font Font.i
- type i
- status FontPath; CurrentFont = result
- if NameOnly(Font.i) ~= NameOnly(CurrentFont) then do
- ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
- ErrorString = ErrorString||'0a'x||' 'FontVariable.i
- end
- end
- ColorName.1 = 'WhiteName'; Color.1 = WhiteName
- ColorName.2 = 'BlackName'; Color.2 = BlackName
- ColorName.3 = 'MiniCalColor'; Color.3 = MiniCalColor
- ColorName.4 = 'MiniCalBColor'; Color.4 = MiniCalBColor
- ColorName.5 = 'MiniCalFColor'; Color.5 = MiniCalFColor
- ColorName.6 = 'ExtendedColor'; Color.6 = ExtendedColor
- ColorName.7 = 'GridColor'; Color.7 = GridColor
- ColorName.8 = 'WeekendColor'; Color.8 = WeekendColor
- ColorName.9 = 'MonthFColor'; Color.9 = MonthFColor
- ColorName.10 = 'DateFColor'; Color.10 = DateFColor
- ColorName.11 = 'HighlightFColorNB'; Color.11 = HighlightFColorNB
- ColorName.12 = 'HighlightFColorB'; Color.12 = HighlightFColorB
- ColorName.13 = 'HighlightColorNB'; Color.13 = HighlightColorNB
- ColorName.14 = 'HighlightColorB'; Color.14 = HighlightColorB
- do j = 1 to 14
- if symbol(ColorName.j) == 'VAR' then do
- FontColor Color.j
- type i + j
- status FontColor; CurrentColor = result
- if CurrentColor ~= Color.j then do
- ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
- ErrorString = ErrorString||'0a'x||' 'ColorName.j
- end
- end
- end
- SelectAll; Clear
- if ErrorCount ~= 0 then do
- ErrorString = 'The following variable(s) are not properly defined:'||ErrorString
- call rtezrequest(ErrorString)
- end
- return
- NameOnly:
- parse arg fontname
- lastcolon = LastPos(':', fontname)
- lastslash = lastpos('/', fontname)
- return substr(fontname, max(lastcolon, lastslash) + 1)